One summer day in 1996...

When her son was a child, Eleanor found that he had an aversion to writing letters and numbers, but a willingness to work with mazes. In 1995, she took her son to Mazeland in Alexandria Bay, NY. Her family had such a fun time in the mazes and labyrinths that Eleanor decided to plant her own hedge maze! One year later, in 1996, Eleanor and her son selected a maze design and spent two weeks planting 500 arbovitae shrubs.

Eleanor says that Amazeing Acres is an ever evolving endeavor. Ever since the day the hedge maze was completed, Eleanor has been imagining new ways of entertaining children and adults alike in the great outdoors! She envisions one day having a pedal cart track, pavilion, children’s village, treehouses, ropes courses, and more!

More about Eleanor...

Eleanor is an occupational therapist and professional yoga therapist. Her experience includes 30 years in physical and psychosocial rehabilitation, specialty group yoga, private yoga therapy, stress management workshops and consultation to yoga teachers.